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03. 递归算法


回顾: 递归

The general principle:

  • If the given instance of the problem can be solved directly, solve it directly,
  • Otherwise, reduce it to one or more simpler instances of the same problem.

"Someone else is going to solve the simpler problems! "

例子: Tower of Hanoi


  • concentrate on moving just the largest disk
  • first, move those \(n-1\) smaller disks to the spare peg
  • move the largest disk directly to its destination
  • to finish the puzzle, we have to move the \(n-1\) smaller disks from the spare peg to their destination

STOP THINKING \(n-1\) pegs!

  • we reduced the problem size by 1.
HANOI(n, src, dst, tmp){
    if (n>0){
        HANOI(n-1, src, tmp, dst);
        move disk n from src to dst
        HANOI(n-1, tmp, dst, src);

Running time

  • \(T(n)\) denote #moves to transfer disks
  • \(T(0)=0, T(n)=2T(n-1)+1\).
  • solution is \(T(n)=2^n-1\).

例子: Mergesort


  • Divide the input array into two subarrays of roughly equal size.
  • Recursively mergesort each of the subarrays.
  • Merge the newly-sorted subarrays into a single sorted array.


// We need a tmp array to store relations...
void mgsort(int a[], int tmp[], int l, int r){
    if(l>=r) return ;
    int mid = (l+r)>>1; // Bracket missing is also okay.
    mgsort(a, tmp, l, mid);
    mgsort(a, tmp, mid+1, r);
    int k = 0, i = l, j = mid+1;
    // merge
    while(i<=mid && j<=r){
            tmp[k++] = a[i++];
            tmp[k++] = a[j++];
    // Is there anything missing in the loop?
    while(i<=mid) tmp[k++] = a[i++];
    while(j<=r) tmp[k++] = a[j++];
    for(i=l,j=0; i<=r; i++, j++) a[i] = tmp[j];


  • by induction
    • on MERGE progress: Each time we always pick the smaller one
    • on MergeSort progress

Lemma 1.1. MERGE correctly merges the subarrays \(A[1 . . m]\) and \(A[m+1 . . n]\), assuming those subarrays are sorted in the input.

Proof: Let \(A[1 \ldots n]\) be any array and \(m\) any integer such that the subarrays \(A[1 \ldots m]\) and \(A[m+1 . . n]\) are sorted. We prove that for all \(k\) from 0 to \(n\), the last \(n-k-1\) iterations of the main loop correctly merge \(A[i . . m]\) and \(A[j . . n]\) into \(B[k . . n]\). The proof proceeds by induction on \(n-k+1\), the number of elements remaining to be merged.

If \(k>n\), the algorithm correctly merges the two empty subarrays by doing absolutely nothing. (This is the base case of the inductive proof.) Otherwise, there are four cases to consider for the \(k\) th iteration of the main loop.

  • If \(j>n\), then subarray \(A[j . . n]\) is empty, so \(\min (A[i . . m] \cup A[j . . n])=A[i]\).
  • If \(i>m\), then subarray \(A[i\).. \(m]\) is empty, so \(\min (A[i . . m] \cup A[j . . n])=A[j]\).
  • Otherwise, if \(A[i]<A[j]\), then \(\min (A[i . . m] \cup A[j . . n])=A[i]\).
  • Otherwise, we must have \(A[i] \geq A[j]\), and \(\min (A[i . . m] \cup A[j . . n])=A[j]\). In all four cases, \(B[k]\) is correctly assigned the smallest element of \(A[i\).. \(m] \cup\) \(A[j . . n]\). In the two cases with the assignment \(B[k] \leftarrow A[i]\), the Recursion Fairy correctly merges - sorry, I mean the Induction Hypothesis implies that the last \(n-k\) iterations of the main loop correctly merge \(A[i+1 . . m]\) and \(A[j . . n]\) into \(B[k+1 . . n]\). Similarly, in the other two cases, the Recursion Fairy also correctly merges the rest of the subarrays

Theorem 1.2. MERGESORT correctly sorts any input array \(A[1 . . n]\).

Proof: We prove the theorem by induction on \(n\). If \(n \leq 1\), the algorithm correctly does nothing. Otherwise, the Recursion Fairy correctly sorts-sorry, I mean the induction hypothesis implies that our algorithm correctly sorts the two smaller subarrays \(A[1 . . m]\) and \(A[m+1 . . n]\), after which they are correctly Merged into a single sorted array (by Lemma 1.1).


  • \(T(n)=T(\lceil n / 2\rceil)+T(\lfloor n / 2\rfloor)+O(n)\)
  • ignore the ceilings and floors to get \(O(n\log n)\). (We will talk about later)

例子: Quick Sort


  • Choose a pivot element from the array
  • Partition the array into three subarrays
    • the elements smaller than the pivot;
    • the pivot element itself;
    • the elements larger than the pivot.
  • Recursively quicksort the first and last subarrays

How do we partition?

  • Naive appoarch: 2 new arrays
  • Nico Lomuto:
    • (1) pointer \(i\) holds the start, \(j\) holds the end
    • (2) continue increment \(i\), till \(a[i]> x\); continue decrementing \(j\), until \(a[j]< x\).
    • (3) swap \(A[i]\) with \(A[j]\)
    • (4) goto (2), until \(i>j\).


void qst(int a[], int l, int r){
    if(l>=r) return;
    int x = a[l]; //Alterate r, (l+r)/2
    int i = l-1, j=r+1; //Move first, then compare and swap
        do i++; while(a[i]<x);
        do j--; while(a[j]>x);
        if(i<j) swap(a[i],a[j]);
    qst(a, l, j); // If x:=r, then this line should be qst(a,l,i-1)
    qst(a,j+1,r); // and this line should be qst(a,i,r)


  • two invariants
  • Invariant:
    • At the end of each iteration of the main loop, everything in the subarray \(A[1 . . \ell]\) is less than \(A[n]\)
    • nothing in the subarray \(A[\ell+1 . . i]\) is less than \(A[n]\).

Divide and conquer: The pattern

Both of them follows these 3 general steps:

  • Divide the given instance of the problem into several independent smaller instances of exactly the same problem.
  • Delegate each smaller instance to the Recursion Fairy,
  • Combine the solutions for the smaller instances into the final solution for the given instance.

Recursion trees

For a recursive algorithm, usually:

  • spends \(O(f(n))\) on non-recursive work
  • makes \(r\) recursive calls and each of size \(n/c\).

yields the recurrence

\[T(n)=r T(n / c)+f(n).\]


Take the summation, yields:

\[T(n)=\sum_{i=0}^{\log_c n} r^i \cdot f\left(n / c^i\right)\]
  • Decreasing: If the series decays exponentially, i.e. \(T(n)=O(f(n))\), then dominated by the value at the root of the recursion tree;
  • Equal: If all terms in the series are equal, we immediately have \(T(n)=O(f(n) \cdot \log_c n)=O(f(n) \log n)\)
  • Increasing: If the series grows exponentially, \(T(n)=O\left(n^{\log _c r}\right)\), dominated by leaves of the recursion tree.