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06. 二叉搜索树

  • 沿用上一节的方法, 做分类
  • 左边的节点的值比根节点小
  • 右边的节点的值比根节点大


struct BSTNode {
    int key;
    struct BSTNode *left, *right;

构建新节点的初始值: key=0, left=right=NULL.


  • 要满足结构约定的条件:
    • 左边小,右边大
  • 转化为往一侧子树插入的问题。
  • Base case: 到达了空节点,正好把节点插进去。
struct BSTNode *BSTInsertNode(struct BSTNode *node, int value) {
    if (node == NULL) {
        return BSTNewNode(value);
    if (value < node->key) {
        node->left = BSTInsertNode(node->left, value);
    } else if (value >= node->key) {
        node->right = BSTInsertNode(node->right, value);
    return node;


  • 使用这个结构的定义
    • 小于? 往左看
    • 大于? 往右看
    • 找到了好诶! 是NULL就没找到了
struct BSTNode *BSTSearchNode(struct BSTNode *root, int target) {
    if (root == NULL || root->key == target) {
        return root;
    if (root->key < target) {
        return BSTSearchNode(root->right, target);
    return BSTSearchNode(root->left, target);


Defn. A random binary search tree of size \({n}\) is obtained in the following way: Take a random permutation, \({x}_0, \ldots, {x}_{{n}-1}\), of the integers \(0, \ldots, {n}-1\) and add its elements, one by one, into a BinarySearchTree. By random permutation we mean that each of the possible \(n\) ! permutations (orderings) of \(0, \ldots, n-1\) is equally likely, so that the probability of obtaining any particular permutation is \(1 / n !\).

Now look at the search path

Key observation.

  • The search path in \(T\) contains the node with key \(i<x\)
  • if and only if the random sequence, \(i\) appears before any of \(\{i+1, i+2,\cdots, \lfloor x\rfloor\}\).

Hence we have:

\[ P\{i \text { is on the search path for } x\}= \begin{cases}1 /(\lfloor x\rfloor-i+1) & \text { if } i<x \\ 1 /(i-\lceil x\rceil+1) & \text { if } i>x\end{cases} \]

Then the length of the search path is

\[ \sum_{i \in\{0, \ldots, n-1\} \backslash\{x\}} I_i \]
  • (\(I_i\) is the indicator varible with \(I_i(x)=\begin{cases}1 & i\text{ appears on the search path of }x \\ 0 &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}\))

Hence the expectation of the rv is.

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathrm{E}\left[\sum_{i=0}^{x-1} I_i+\sum_{i=x+1}^{n-1} I_i\right]= & \sum_{i=0}^{x-1} \mathrm{E}\left[I_i\right]+\sum_{i=x+1}^{n-1} \mathrm{E}\left[I_i\right] \\ = & \sum_{i=0}^{x-1} 1 /(\lfloor x\rfloor-i+1)+\sum_{i=x+1}^{n-1} 1 /(i-\lceil x\rceil+1) \\ = & \sum_{i=0}^{x-1} 1 /(x-i+1)+\sum_{i=x+1}^{n-1} 1 /(i-x+1) \\ = & \frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\cdots+\frac{1}{x+1} \\ & +\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{3}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n-x} \\ = & H_{x+1}+H_{n-x}-2 . \end{aligned} \]

Hence we get the following theorem:

For any \(x \in\{0, \ldots, n-1\}\), the expected length of the search path for \(x\) is \(H_{x+1}+H_{n-x}-O(1).\)