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Divide and Conquer and Mergesort

\[ B_N=B_{\lfloor N / 2\rfloor}+1 \text{ for } N>1 \text{ with } B_1=1\]

Easy case:

  • Exact solution for \(N=2^n\). $$ a_n \equiv B_{2^n} $$ \(a_n=a_{n-1}+1\) for \(n>0\) with \(a_0=1\)

  • Telescope to a sum $$ a_n=\sum_{1 \leq k \leq n} 1=n $$

  • \(B_N=\lg N \quad\) when \(N\) is a power of 2

Hard case:

  • correspondence with binary numbers
    • Define \(B_N\) to be the number of bits in the bin repr of N
      • \(B_1=1\)
      • Removing the rightmost bit of \(N\) gives \(\lceil N/2 \rceil\).
    • Therefore \(B_N=B_{\lfloor N / 2\rfloor}+1\) for \(N>1\) with \(B_1=1\)
  • Observation: \(B_N=\lfloor\lg N\rfloor+1\)

    \[ \begin{aligned} & B_N=n+1 \text { for } 2^n \leq N<2^{n+1} \\ & \text { or } n \leq \lg N<n+1 \Rightarrow n=\lfloor \lg N\rfloor \end{aligned} \]


Number of compares for sort: \(C_N=C_{\lfloor N / 2\rfloor}+C_{\lceil N / 2\rceil}+N\) for \(N>1\) with \(C_1=1\)

Already solved for \(N=2^n\)

\[ \begin{aligned} & a_n=2 a_{n-1}+2^n \text { with } a_0=0 \\ & \frac{a_n}{2^n}=\frac{a_{n-1}}{2^{n-1}}+1 \\ & \frac{a_n}{2^n}=\sum_{1 \leq k \leq n} 1=n \\ & a_n=n 2^n \end{aligned} \]

Hence $C_N=N \lg N $ when \(N\) is a power of 2.

General case:

  • For quicksort, the number of compares is \(\sim 2 N \ln N-2(1-\gamma) N\)
  • Is the number of compares for mergesort $\sim N \lg N+\alpha N $ for some constant \(\alpha\) ?
  • NO!

Plug in the \(N+1\) case: $$ \begin{aligned} C_{N+1} & =C_{\lfloor(N+1) / 2\rfloor}+C_{\lceil(N+1) / 2\rceil}+N+1 \ & =C_{\lceil N / 2\rceil}+C_{\lfloor N / 2\rfloor+1}+N+1 \end{aligned} $$

Substract: $$ C_{N+1}-C_N=C_{[N / 2]+1}-C_{[N / 2]}+1 $$

Define \(D_N=C_{N+1}-C_N\): $$ D_N=D_{\lfloor N / 2\rfloor}+1 $$

Solve as for binary search: $$ D_N=\lfloor\lg N\rfloor+2 $$

Telescope: $$ C_N=N-1+\sum_{1 \leq k<N}(\lfloor\lg k\rfloor+1) $$

Theorem: \(C_N=N-1+\) number of bits in binary representation of numbers \(<N\)

  • \(S_N=\) number of bits in the binary rep. of all numbers \(<N\)
  • \(S_N=S_{\lfloor N / 2\rfloor}+S_{\lceil N / 2\rceil}+N-1\) (by writing out binary form)
  • Alternative view:

    \[ \begin{array}{lll} & \begin{array}{ll} \text { bits are in an box of} & \text { subtract off } 0 \text { s } \end{array} \\ & \mathrm{N} \text { by }\lfloor\lg \mathrm{N}+1\rfloor ~~~~~~~~~~\text { column by column } \\ &\qquad \qquad \downarrow \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad \downarrow\\ & S_N=N(\lfloor\lg N\rfloor+1)-\sum_{0 \leq k \leq\lfloor\lg N\rfloor} 2^k \\ & =N\lfloor\lg N\rfloor-2^{\lfloor\lg N\rfloor+1}+N+1 \\ & \end{array} \]
  • And we have $$ \begin{aligned} C_N & =S_N+N-1 \ & =N\lfloor\lg N\rfloor-2^{\lfloor\lg N\rfloor+1}+2N \end{aligned} $$

  • Hence Number of compares for mergesort is \(N\lfloor\lg N\rfloor-2^{\lfloor\lg N\rfloor+1}+2 N\).