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The Divisible

\[ \newcommand{\flr}[1]{\left \lfloor #1 \right\rfloor } \newcommand{\cil}[1]{\left \lceil #1 \right\rceil } \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z} \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb N} \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q} \newcommand{\red}[1]{{{\color{red}#1}}} \newcommand{\teal}[1]{{{\color{teal}#1}}} \newcommand{\blue}[1]{{{\color{blue}#1}}} \newcommand{\purple}[1]{{{\color{purple}#1}}} \]

Divisibility is defined as: \(m \mid n \iff m > 0 \land n = mk\) for some integer \(k\).

  • That is, \(n\) is a multiple of \(m\), and it is not possibly positive.

Greatest Common Divisor


  • Definition: \(\gcd(m, n) = \max\{k: k \mid m \land k \mid n\}\)
  • Definition: \(\text{lcm}(m, n) = \max\{k: m > 0 \land m \mid k \land n \mid k\}\)

The Euclid Algorithm

We assert that \(\gcd(m, n) = \gcd(n , m\bmod n)\) (proof later).

Extended: Compute integers \(m'\) and \(n'\) such that

\[ m^{\prime} m + n^{\prime} n = \operatorname{gcd}(m, n). \]
  • At the end of the formula, \(m=0, n=\gcd(m, n)\).
  • Take \(m'=0, n'=1\).
  • Otherwise, keep an eye on the derivation process:

The derivation process, where \(q\) is the quotient and \(r\) is the remainder:

\[ \begin{array}{ll} b = r q_1 + r_1 & 0 \leqslant r_1 < r \\ r = r_1 q_2 + r_2 & 0 \leqslant r_2 < r_1 \\ r_1 = r_2 q_3 + r_3 & 0 \leqslant r_3 < r_2 \\ \cdots & \\ r_{n-3} = r_{n-2} q_{n-1} + r_{n-1} & 0 \leqslant r_{n-1} < r_{n-2} \\ r_{n-2} = r_{n-1} q_n + r_n & 0 \leqslant r_n < r_{n-1} \\ r_{n-1} = r_n q_{n+1} & \end{array} \]

Euclid Algo: Substitution back

\[ \begin{array}{ll} b = r q_1 + r_1 & 0 \leqslant r_1 < r \\ r = r_1 q_2 + r_2 & 0 \leqslant r_2 < r_1 \\ r_1 = r_2 q_3 + r_3 & 0 \leqslant r_3 < r_2 \\ \cdots & \\ r_{n-3} = r_{n-2} q_{n-1} + r_{n-1} & 0 \leqslant r_{n-1} < r_{n-2} \\ r_{n-2} = r_{n-1} q_n + r_n & 0 \leqslant r_n < r_{n-1} \\ r_{n-1} = r_n q_{n+1} & \end{array} \]


\[ \begin{aligned} d = \red{1} r_n + \red{0}\times 0 & = \red{1}r_{n-2}\red{-q_n} r_{n-1} \\ & \small = 1 r_{n-2} - \left(r_{n-3} - q_n r_{n-2} q_{n-1}\right) \\ & = \red{-q_n} r_{n-3} + \red{\left(1 + q_{n-1} q_n\right)} r_{n-2} \\ & = \cdots \\ & = \red{x} a + \red{y} b \quad(x, y \in \mathbb{Z}). \end{aligned} \]

Euclid Algo: Code

Use RECURSION to maintain the relation:

1   if b == 0
2   return (a, 1, 0)
3   else (d', x', y') = EXTENDED_EUCLID(b, a % b)
4   (d, x, y) = (d', y', x' - \lfloor a / b \rfloor y')
5   return (d, x, y)

Why \(\left(d', y', x' - \lfloor a / b \rfloor y'\right)\)?

  • Condition:
  • \(a x_1 + b y_1 = \operatorname{gcd}(a, b)\)
  • \(b x_2 + (a \bmod b) y_2 = \operatorname{gcd}(b, a \bmod b)\)
  • Derivation:
  • \(a x_1 + b y_1 = b x_2 + (a \bmod b) y_2\)
  • We have \(a \bmod b = a - \left(\left\lfloor\frac{a}{b}\right\rfloor \times b\right)\)
  • So we get \(a x_1 + b y_1 = b x_2 + \left(a - \left(\left\lfloor\frac{a}{b}\right\rfloor \times b\right)\right) y_2\)
  • \(a x_1 + b y_1 = a y_2 + b x_2 - \left\lfloor\frac{a}{b}\right\rfloor \times b y_2 = a y_2 + b\left(x_2 - \left\lfloor\frac{a}{b}\right\rfloor y_2\right)\)
  • Compare the coefficients.

An Example:

\(a\) \(b\) \(\lfloor a / b\rfloor\) \(d\) \(x\) \(y\)
99 78 1 3 -11 14
78 21 3 3 3 -11
21 15 1 3 -2 3
15 6 2 3 1 -2
6 3 2 3 0 1
3 0 - 3 1 0

Props about Divisions


\[ (k \mid m) \wedge (k \mid n) \Leftrightarrow k \mid \operatorname{gcd}(m, n) \]

The conjuctuce of factors

\[ \sum_{m \mid n} a_m = \sum_{m \mid n} a_{n \mid m} \text {, integer } n > 0 \text . \]

Motivation for this (by definition):

\[ \sum_{m | n} a_m = \sum_k \sum_{m > 0} a_m[n=m k] \]

Following above, we have

Theorem: Interchange summation order

\[ \sum_{m \mid n} \sum_{k \mid m} a_{k, m} = \sum_{k \mid n} \sum_{l \mid(n / k)} a_{k, k l} \]

Proof for Interchange the order


\[ \sum_{m \mid n} \sum_{k \mid m} a_{k, m} = \sum_{k \mid n} \sum_{l \mid(n / k)} a_{k, k l} \]

Consider LHS:

\[ \sum_{j, l} \sum_{{k}, m > 0} a_{ k, m}[n=\blue{j} m][m={k} l] = \sum_{\blue j} \sum_{k, {l}>0} a_{k, k {l}}[n=\blue{j} k l] \]

Consider RHS:

\[ \sum_{\red j, m} \sum_{k, l>0} a_{k, k l}[n=\red{j} k][n / k=\red m l] = \sum_{\red m} \sum_{k, l>0} a_{k, k l}[n=\red m l k] \]

They are the same, standing the same meaning.