Collaborative Data Scheduling for Vehicular Edge
Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 车辆边缘计算(vehicular edge computing, VEC)
- 道路单元(roadside unit, RSU)
- vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications的通讯
- V2I的通讯
- 目的: 要支持车载的内容
- 组件
- edge computational nodes(ECNs) - 信号塔上的, RSU的, 互联自动驾驶车
- 模型: 均匀VEC网络, 数据在本地处理, 使用缓存队列
- 算法: TBD
- 验证: TBD
Notation | Explanation |
\(K\) | 路段的数量 Number of road segments |
\(C_{\mathrm{V} 2I}\) | #V2I communication (车辆到塔台) |
\(C_{\mathrm{V} 2 \mathrm{~V}}\) | #V2V communication(车辆到车) |
\(B\) | Bandwidth of each licensed channel |
\(R_k\) | Coverage radius of RSU(信号塔) \(k\) |
\(R^{\mathrm{V}}\) | Coverage radius of vehicles(车) |
\(N_k\) | Number of vehicles within RSU \(k\) |
\(\Delta t\) | Duration of a time-slot |
\(M\) | Number of data types |
\(D_i\) | Amount of type-i data |
\(c\) | Processing density of data |
\(f_n^{\text {local }}\) | Processing capability of vehicle \(n\) |
\(f_k^{\text {ECN }}\) | Processing capability of RSU \(k\) |
\(\kappa_1, \kappa_2\) | Effective switched capacitance related to the chip architecture in vehicles and RSUs |
\(d\) | Distance between transmitter and receiver |
\(\vartheta\) | Path loss exponent |
\(h\) | Channel fading coefficient |
\(\omega_0\) | White Gaussian noise power |
\(P_n^{t r}\) | Transmission power of vehicle \(n\) |
\(\alpha_{n, k}^t, \beta_{n, k}^t\) | Local computing and data offloading indicators for vehicle \(n\) running on road segment \(k\) at time-slot \(t\) |
\(\gamma_{n, k}^t, \delta_{n, k}^t\) | Data migrating and receiving indicators for vehicle \(n\) running on road segment \(k\) at time-slot \(t\) |
\(\mu_n^t\) | Data processing indicator for RSU \(n\) at time-slot \(t\) |
\(\xi\) | Penalty coefficient |
\(q_{n, l}^t, g_{k, l}^t\) | Length of data cached in queue \(l\) of vehicle \(n\) and RSU \(k\) at time-slot \(t\) |
\(c^l, c^{\mathrm{V}}\) | Cost for using licensed V2I and V2V channels |
\(c^{E C N}\) | Cost for RSU processing data |
\(\varrho\) | Cost for energy consumption |
- 路分为\(K\)段, 用\(\K\)表示. 每一段由RSU和ECN组成
- RSU(Roadside Unit)的覆盖范围: \(\{R_1, ..., R_k\}\),
- 把时间划分为\(\Delta t\)(很短), 无线信道在每一个\(\Delta t\)之间保持不变. 在一段时间的开始产生.
- VEC网中的均匀交流/计算/缓存, 合作计算
- Latency-sensitive的任务: 丢给信号塔/丢给其他空闲的车
- 一共有\(M\)类东西, 定义\(\M=\{1,2,3...,M\}\), 有两个属性\(D_i, T_i\)表示数据量, 数据传输的延迟
每一个时间内有\(\bar \omega_i\)的概率生成\(T_i\), 所有的\(\bar \omega_i\)加起来是1.
两端数据(车端, RSU端)缓存的多重队列模型
- \(L\): #caching queues indexed as \(\{1,2,..., L\}\).
- 由于delay constraints \(:=\max\{T_i, i\in \mathbb M\}\).
- 每个队列中remaining lifetime of data under its delay constraint is the same
- Vehicle side: assume the index of time slot is \(t\), caching queue \(l\), given car V1
- \(1\leq l < L\)
- 来源1: data in \(L+1\) of \(V1\) has not been processed at time slot \(t-1\)\(\implies\) remaining lifetime of data -=1
- 来源2: data gen by vehicle V1 itself at time slot \(t\) with data delay constraint(这是啥) \(l\)
- 来源3: another V2 transmitted data with q idx \(l+1\) to V1 at time slot \(t-1\).
- 去处1: 丢给信号塔RSU \(k\), then cached in queue \(l-1\) of RSU \(k\) at next time slot \(t+1\)
- 去处2: 与车V3合并, 然后在\(t+1\)的时候缓存到\(l-1\).
- 去处3: 本地V1计算
- 去处4: 如果都不行, 在下一个时间片中, 会移到队列\(l-1\). 如果\(l=1\), 会直接删除.
- \(l=L\): 基本一致, 来源仅仅为自己新生成的, 去处和上面一样.
- RSU side: for each queue \(l\), index of time slot is \(t\), 对于\(1\leq l<l-1\)(因为信号塔自己不能出现计算数据), 分为两类
- 来源1: data in \(l+1\) of RSU \(k\) has not been processed at time slot \(t-1\)
- 来源2: car transmitted data with queue index \(l+1\) to RSU \(k\) at time slot \(t-1\)
- 去处1: computed through computation res. of ECN-enable RSU
- 去处2: moved to queue \(l-1\) of RSU \(k\) if \(l\neq 1\), otherwise delete if \(l=1,\) at time slot \(t+1\).
分析A: 传输和计算$\newcommand\fnl[1]{f_{#1}{\text{local}}}\newcommand\pnl[1]{p_{#1} $}}
- 数据本地处理: 车\(n\)得到本地计算\(\fnl n\), 需要能耗\(\pnl n\).
- \(p_n^{\text {local }}=\kappa_1\left(f_n^{\text {local }}\right)^3\)
- \(\kappa_1\): effective switched capacitance related to the chip architecture in vehicle
- 能耗: \(E_n^{\text {local }}=p_n^{\text {local }} \Delta t=\kappa_1\left(f_n^{\text {local }}\right)^3 \Delta t\).
- 第\(n\)台车one time slot处理的数据(密度)是\(D_n^{\text {local }}=\frac{f_n^{\text {local }} \Delta t}{c}\)
- 数据给信号塔RSU
- path loss is \(d^{-\vartheta}\), \(d\) is the dist btwn send and recv, \(\vartheta\)is path loss exp.
- channel fading coeff denote by \(h\), modeled as a circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random variable
- car \(n\) to RSU \(k\) on licenced V2I channel: \(r_{n, k}^{t, \mathrm{~V} 21}=B \log _2\left(1+\frac{P_n^{\mathrm{tr}}|h|^2}{\omega_0\left(d_{n, k}^t\right)^{\vartheta}}\right)\)
- \(P_n^{\mathrm{tr}}\): transmission power of vehicle \(n\)
- \(\omega_0\): white Gaussian noise power
- \(d_{n, k}^t\): distance from vehicle \(n\) to RSU \(k\) at time slot \(t\).
Energy comsumption from vehicle \(n\) for transmitting data during one time slot is \(E_n^{\mathrm{tr}}=P_n^{\mathrm{tr}} \Delta t\).
- 假设processing capability at RSU \(k\) is \(f_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}\)
- power consumption for RSU \(k\) to process the data is \(p_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}=\kappa_2\left(f_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}\right)^3\).
- \(\kappa_2\)表示effective switched capacitance related to the chip architecture in RSU
同样\(E_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}=p_k^{\mathrm{ECN}} \Delta t=\kappa_2\left(f_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}\right)^3 \Delta t\)., \(D_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}=\frac{f_k^{\mathrm{ECN}} \Delta t}{c}\).
- 假设车的通信半径是\(R^{\mathrm{V}}\), 对于任意的车\(n\)以及其合作车\(n'\), \(n\to n'\)的时候\(n'\)不能传数据
- 那么传输数据速率是\(r_{n, n^{\prime}}^{t, \mathrm{~V} 2 \mathrm{~V}}=B \log _2\left(1+\frac{P_n^{\mathrm{tr}}|h|^2}{\omega_0\left(d_{n, n^{\prime}}^t\right)^{\vartheta}}\right)\).
- \(d_{n, n^{\prime}}^t\)表示在\(t\)时刻\(n\)和\(n'\)的距离. 而且得满足\(d_{n, n^{\prime}}^t<R^V\).
分析B: 形式化问题
- 在一个时间片里面, 每个车子的数据可以是
- 在本地处理: \(\alpha_{n, k}^t=1\)表示车\(n\)在路段\(k\)在时间\(t\), 这个数据在本地处理
- 给信号塔了: \(\beta_{n, k}^t=1\)表示车\(n\)在路段\(k\)在时间\(t\), 这个数据在通过V2I丢给信号塔了
- 给别的车了: \(\gamma_{n, k}^t=1\)表示车\(n\)在路段\(k\)在时间\(t\), 这个数据丢给别的车了
- 还在缓存队列里面: \(\alpha_{n, k}^t=\beta_{n, k}^t=\gamma_{n, k}^t=0\)表示还在自己的缓存队列里面
- \(\delta_{n, k}^t\)表示表示车\(n\)在路段\(k\)在时间\(t\), 处于接受模式(不能丢数据给别的车)
- 信号塔那边:
- \(\mu_k^t=1\)表示RSU\(k\)在时间\(t\)处理缓存数据
- \(\mu_k^t=0\)表示RSU\(k\)在时间\(t\)会保存数据在自己的缓存队列里面
- 代价指标量化:
- penalty mechanism: penalty will be resulted in if data are not processed before its deadline
- \(\xi\)表示把一个数据丢掉的惩罚函数
- licensed channels of V2I and V2V comms
- the cost for RSU computing data
- energy consumption cost during data computing and transmitting
- 队列处理模式: data with a smaller queue index should be processed first
📢\(\mathcal{V}_k^t\)表示一堆车在路段\(k\), 时刻\(t\)的时候, 被丢弃的数据表达为
- \(q_{n, 1}^t\)= amt of data cached in Q 1 in V \(n\) at time \(t\)
\(g_{k, 1}^t\) = amt of data cached in Q 1 in RSU \(k\) at time \(t\)
\(D_n^{\text {local }}\) = data processing capabilities of V at one timeslot
- \(D_k^{\mathrm{ECN}}\)=data processing capabilities of RSU at one timeslot
📢为了满足交流延迟, 用好计算资源, 变为如下的优化问题
- \(\varrho\): weight coefficient indicating the energy consumption cost of one unit energy during data computing and transmitting
- \(c^{I}\): costs at a time slot for using licensed channels for V2I
- \(c^{V}\): costs at a time slot for using licensed channels for V2V
- \(c^{\mathrm{ECN}}\): cost for RSU processing data at a time slot
- C1: 指示变量得是0或者1
- C2: 别同时发V2V和V2I啊
- C3: 收的时候别发啊
- C4: 一次只能干一件事, 别又本地处理有发出去处理的
分析C: 用Markov decision process建模模型数据处理
观察: Loss mainly depends on the states and data scheduling actions of both V and RSUs
state of the MDP at time slot t: \(S^t \triangleq\)\(\left\{S_1^t, S_2^t, \ldots, S_K^t, \Phi^t\right\}\)
- \(\Phi^t\)是\(t\)时刻的车, RSU的位置信息
- \(S_k^t(1 \leq k \leq K)\)是caching state of RSUs and Vs at road seg \(k\).
- get \(\Phi^{t+1}\): positions of RSUs are fixed and the next positions of vehicles can be get by running spd
对于每一个路段\(k\), \(S_k^t \triangleq\left\{Q_{1, k}^t, Q_{2, k}^t, \ldots, Q_{\left|\mathcal V_k^t\right|, k}^t, G_k^t\right\}\),
- \(\left|\mathcal{V}_k^t\right|\)number of vehicles in road segment knumber of vehicles in road segment k at time \(t\)
- \(Q_{n, k}^t\left(n \in \mathcal{V}_k^t\right)\) is the caching state of vehicle n
- \(Q_{n,k}^t:=\left\{q_{n, 1}^t, q_{n, 2}^t, \ldots, q_{n, L}^t\right\}\), 是caching state of V \(n\)
- \(G_k^t\) = caching state of RSU \(k\) and is expressed as \(\left\{g_{k, 1}^t, g_{k, 2}^t, \ldots, g_{k, L}^t\right\}\).
Action taken by RSUs and Vs as \(A^t \triangleq\left\{A_1^t, A_2^t, \ldots, A_K^t\right\}\)
对于RSUs以及在\(k\) road segment, \(A_k^t \triangleq\left\{a_{1, k}^t, a_{2, k}^t, \ldots, a_{\left|\mathcal{V}_k^t\right|, k}^t, \tilde{a}_k^t\right\}\)
\(a_{n, k}^t\)\(\left(n \in \mathcal{V}_k^t\right)\) 和 \(\tilde{a}_k^t\) 是车\(n\)和RSU \(k\)的动作
- \(a_{n, k}^t=\left\{\alpha_{n, k}^t, \beta_{n, k}^t, \gamma_{n, k}^t, \delta_{n, k}^t\right\}\)
- \(\tilde{a}_k^t\) can be expressed as \(\left\{\mu_k^t\right\}\).
经过一个action, 下一个时刻的内容: calculate the amount of data transm during the current time slot \(t\)
The amount of data that is transmitted from vehicle n to RSU k can be expressed as
\[ D_{n, k}^{t, \text { off }}= \begin{cases}\frac{\beta_{n, k}^t r_{n, k}^{t, \mathrm{~V} 21} \Delta t C_{\mathrm{V} 21}}{\left|\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }}\right|}, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }} \neq \varnothing \\ 0, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }}=\varnothing\end{cases} \]
\(\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }}\)表示在路段\(k\), 时间\(t\)的时候选择把自己的数据丢给RSU的一堆车
\(\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \mathrm{mig}}\) ...丢给另一个愿意合作的一个...
\(\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { rec }}\) ...愿意接受(receive)的那个车...
\(I_{n, n^{\prime}}^{t, k}\)表示\(n\to n'\)的联系\(n\left(n \in \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }}\right)\) and \(n^{\prime}\left(n^{\prime} \in \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { rec }}\right)\), 表示n和n'是不是已经连接上了
\(I_{n, n^{\prime}}^{t, k}= \begin{cases}1, & \gamma_{n, k}^t=1, \delta_{n^{\prime}, k}^t=1, d_{n, n^{\prime}}<R^V \\ 0, & \text { otherwise. }\end{cases}\)
同时只能传输一个:\(\sum_{n^{\prime} \in \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { rec }}} I_{n, n^{\prime}}^{t, k} \leq 1\)
\(D_{n, n^{\prime}, k}^{t, \text { mig }}= \begin{cases}I_{n, n^{\prime}}^{t, k} \frac{r_{n, n^{\prime}}^{t, \mathrm{~V} \vee} \Delta t C_{\mathrm{V} 2 \mathrm{~V}}}{\left|\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }}\right|}, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }} \neq \varnothing \\ 0, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }}=\varnothing\end{cases}\)
\(l_{\min }^{t, n}\)表示smallest index of the queue with nonepty q data of V \(n\) at time \(t\)
amount of data migrated from queue l+1 of vehicle \(\bar n\) to Q l of V n and RSU k at t
\[ D_{\bar{n}, n, k, l}^{t, \mathrm{~V} 2 \mathrm{~V}}= \begin{cases}\mathbf{1}\left(l_{\text {min }}^{l, \bar{n}}=l+1\right) \times I_{\bar{n}, n}^{t, k} r_{\bar{n}, n}^{t, \mathrm{V2V}} \Delta t C_{\mathrm{V} 2 \mathrm{~V}} /\left|\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }}\right|, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }} \neq \varnothing \\ 0, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { mig }}=\varnothing\end{cases} \]
\[ D_{\bar{n}, k, l}^{t, \mathrm{~V} 2 \mathrm{l}}= \begin{cases}\mathbf{1}\left(l_{\text {min }}^{t, \bar{n}}==l+1\right) \times \beta_{\bar{n}, k}^t r_{\bar{n}, k}^{t, \mathrm{~V} 21} \Delta t C_{\mathrm{V} 21} /\left|\mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }}\right|, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }} \neq \varnothing \\ 0, & \mathcal{V}_k^{t, \text { off }}=\varnothing\end{cases} \]
\(\mathbf{1}(\tau)\) is the Iverson Bracket
given caching state \(Q_{n, k}^t\) of V n in road seg k, the state of Qs that form \(Q_{n, k}^{t+1}\)
- \(q_{n, l_{\text {min }}^{t, n}}^{t+1}\): 从别人那接的活
- \(q_{n, l}^{t+1}\)\(\left(l \neq l_{\text {min }}^{t, n}\right)\): 自己手里的活
- RSU side
- \(\tilde{l}_{\min }^{t, k}\): smallest index of the Q with nonempty Qieng data of arbitrary RSU \(k\) at time slot \(t\)
- Consists of
- \(g_{k, l_{\text {min }}^t}\)(别人的活)
- \(g_{k, l}\left(l \neq \tilde{l}_{\min }^{t, k}\right)\)(自己的活)
- 在状态\(S^t\)的时候penalty and cost by taking action \(A^t\) can be expressed as
\[ \pi^*=\arg \min _\pi \mathrm{E}\left(\sum_{t=1}^{\infty} \eta^t \operatorname{Loss}^t\right) \]