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Dependency Aware Task Scheduling in VEC


This passage

  • a VEC architecture which consists of multiple vehicles, multiple RSUs, and multiple MEC(mobile-edge computing) servers.
  • V has computation-intensive and delay-sensitive apps
  • Each RSU is equipped with multiple MEC servers
  • V offload compint dlsens apps to MEC servers on RSUs
  • for execution where applications are independent of each other but tasks (belonging to the same application) have processing dependence.
  • formalize the task scheduling decision problem as an optimization problem which is NP-hard

  • We evaluate the proposed task scheduling algorithm with extensive simulations


Notation Description
\(\mathcal{M}, M\) set / number of vehicles
\(\mathcal{N}, N\) set / number of RSUs
\(\mathcal{R}, R\) set / number of MEC servers on each RSU
\(m\) the vehicle index \(m \in \mathcal{M}\)
\(n\) the RSU index \(n \in \mathcal{N}\)
\(r\) the MEC server index \(r \in \mathcal{R}\)
\(T_m\) the \(m\) th application
\(T_{m, i}\) the \(i\) th task of application \(T_m\)
\(\mathcal{I}, I\) set / number of tasks of application \(T_m\)
\(i\) the task index \(i \in \mathcal{I}\)
\(x_{m, i, r}\) the scheduling decision variable of task \(T_{m, i}\)
\(R T_{m, i}\) the ready time of task \(T_{m, i}\)
\(A F T_{m, i}\) the actual completion time of task \(T_{m, i}\)
\(E S T_{m, i, r}\) the earliest start time of task \(T_{m, i}\)
\(E F T_{m, i, r}\) the earliest finish time of task \(T_{m, i}\)

System Model

Network Model

  • \(M\)车在某个路(没有方向)的起点, \(N\) RSUs.
  • each RSU is equipped with \(R\)​ MECs
  • 按照覆盖范围把路分为\(\left\{{L}_1, {L}_2, \ldots, {L}_N\right\}\)
  • 车以\(v\)​的速度跑, 在\(n\)路段的车可以访问第\(n\)​个RSU
  • 每一个app \(T_m=\left\{d_m, b_m, t_m^{\max }\right\}, m \in \mathcal{M}\)
  • \(d_m\)是输入数据的大小
  • \(b_m\)是计算的多少
  • \(t_m^{\max }\)完成它的最大延迟

App Model

  • 每一个应用可以分割为一个依赖图\(\mathcal{G}=\langle\mathcal{I}, \mathcal{E}\rangle\)
  • 任务节点
  • 边节点
  • \(T_{m, i}\)表示表示\(m\)个任务的第\(i\)个子任务

Comput. Model

  • model the execution process of every application

  • calculate complete time: vehicle movement time, data transmission time, application computing time,

    result transmission time.

    • Vehicle movement: time taken for one vehicle from starting point to the coverage range of one RSU.
    • Application computing: app completed on RSU
    • computation result transmis ignored: result of one application is much smaller than input size
  • Application \(T_m\) offloaded frm V \(m\) to RSU \(n\), denote \(t_m^{\text {process }}\) as total completion time: app \(T_m\) processed on RSU \(n\).

    • Movement Time: 车m从开始移动到RSU n覆盖范围, \(T_m\)可以可以从车n到RSU m

      • 车m经过n-1个路段

      • movement time of vehicle: \(t_m^{\text {mov }}\) time taken for vehicle m from its starting point to the coverage range of RSU n

      • \[ t_m^{\mathrm{mov}}=\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} \frac{L_k}{v} \]
    • Transmission time

      • \(t_m^{\mathrm{send}}\): transmission time of input data \(d_m\) of application \(T_m\).

      • \(p_m\): transmission power of vehicle m

      • \(g_m^n\): channel gain between vehicle m and RSU n (what is channel gain used for)

      • \(s_m^n\): data transmission rate of the link between vehicle m to RSU n

        • W represents the bandwidth of the link between vehicle m to RSU n

        • \(N_0\) is the noise power

        • \[ s_m^n=W \log \left(1+\frac{p_m g_m^n}{N_0}\right) \]
      • the data transmission time \(t_m^{\text {send }}\) (m上传大小为\(d_m\)的应用\(T_m\)是)

        • \[ t_m^{\text {send }}=\frac{d_m}{s_m^n} \]
    • Computing time

      • Computation of each RSU is limited, each MEC server on RSUs can only execute 1 task

        • \(\mathrm{AFT}_{m, i}\) := actual time that task \(T_{m,i}\)is completed(Finished) on MEC servers

          • Ith task of application Tm
        • ready time \(\mathrm{RT}_{m, i}\) of task \(T_{m, i}\) is

          • Ready Time

          • \[ \mathrm{RT}_{m, i}=\max _{T_{m, h} \in \operatorname{pre}\left(T_{m, i}\right)} \mathrm{AFT}_{m, h} \]
        • Idle MEC server \(r\), \(r \in \mathcal{R}\)表示一个MEC server 在RSU上. Task \(T_{m, i}\) can be scheduled to MEC server \(r\).

        • 要是有冲突, 后来的得等

        • \(\mathrm{AT}_{m, i, r}\):= earliest time that MEC server r is available for task \(T_{m, i}\)

          • earliest start time of one task = earliest time one task has been started after the task has been ready and MEC server is available for the task
          • \(\mathrm{EST}_{m, i, r}=\max \left\{\mathrm{RT}_{m, i}, \mathrm{AT}_{m, i, r}\right\}\)
        • \(\mathrm{ET}_{m, i, r}\): Execution Time of task m part i on MEC r \(\mathrm{ET}_{m, i, r}=\frac{b_{m, i}}{f_r}\)

          • \(b_{m, i}\) = amount of computation resource for \(T_{m, i}\).
          • \(f_r\) = comp cap of MEC server r
        • Earliest Finish time \(\mathrm{EFT}_{m, i, r}=\mathrm{EST}_{m, i, r}+\mathrm{ET}_{m, i, r}\).

        • actual finish time is the same as \(\text{EFT}_{m, i, r}=\text{AFT}_{m, i}\).

          • \(T_{m, I}\) as exit task of \(T_m\),
        • \(t_m^{\text {comp }}=\mathrm{AFT}_{m, I}\)

        • \(t_m^{\text {process }}=t_m^{\text {mov }}+t_m^{\text {send }}+t_m^{\text {comp }}\).


scheduling decision variable

  • \(x_{m, i, r}= \begin{cases}1, & \text { if task } T_{m, i} \text { can be executed on MEC server } r \\ 0, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}\)
  • each task is scheduled only 1 MEC server, have \(\sum_{r=1}^R x_{m, i, r}=1\)

a binary variable \(y_{h, i}\) to specify the task scheduling order

  • \(y_{h, i}= \begin{cases}1, & \text { if task } h \text { is scheduled before task } i \\ 0, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}\)
  • \(y_{h, i}=1\) represents that task \(i\) is not scheduled until task \(h\) has been scheduled.

earliest start time \(\mathrm{EST}_{m, i, r}\) of task \(T_{m, i}\) on MEC server \(r\) should meet

  • \(\mathrm{EST}_{m, i, r} \geq x_{m, i, r} \cdot x_{s, h, r} \cdot y_{h, i} \cdot \mathrm{EFT}_{s, h}\), forall h.

task dependency among the tasks belonging to the same application should meet

  • \(\mathrm{AFT}_{m, i} \geq y_{h, i} \cdot \mathrm{AFT}_{m, h}\). forall h

finish time of exit task of application \(T_m\) should be

  • \(\mathrm{AFT}_{m, I} \leq t_m^{\max }-t_m^{\text {mov }}-t_m^{\text {send }}\)
  • \(T_m\) can be finished within its range

an optimization problem $$ \begin{aligned} \min \quad \frac{1}{m}[ & \sum_{m=1}M\left(t_m $$ subject to above constraints mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem}}+t_m^{\mathrm{send}}\right) \ & \left.+\sum_{m=1}^M \sum_{i=1}^I \sum_{r=1}^R x_{m, i, r} \cdot \mathrm{EFT}_{m, i, r}\right]\end{aligned